Dark Train (Audio CD)
Over an hour of music, Davis Quinn's first album. Track list: 1.
Two Ton Train - 2. Nobody Else - 3. Run From the Sun - 4. It Doesn't Rain
Everyday - 5. Home Sweet Home - 6. Overcoming the Storm - 7. Shrug It Off - 8.
Let Me Get Home - 9. 900 Miles - 10. Free - 11. War On Sanity - 12. Dark Train.
.00 (includes S&H) $10.00 for CD. Order from Davis' website.
Visit his website for information on the CD and his touring: Davis Quinn
I grew to know Dylan through the Johnny Rivers website message board. I
helped him with some song lyrics of Johnny Rivers he was looking for and he sent
me a copy of the game JR in Concert Frenzy. Feel free to contact Dylan about
his music, touring and games:Email
Davis Quinn
It is a pleasure to know such a wonderful, talented artist as Dylan. We
have talked about writing a song together sometime. I look forward to that.