On this page you'll find a list of some very special friends of mine. Their
tribute page is my way of saying that they've made an impact on my life and it's
my way of saying thank you. This is a feature in the works.
1 CHRISTOPHER VOSS: Read the story behind the poem featured on my writings page thay you
can play or read on my favorite poems page.
2- ANDREY HEAVENS: Read about the friend behind my favorite poem, " Simply Andrey " and read one of her poems.
3-ANDREW BUCHMANN Cusin to Christopher Voss and good friend and fellow artist:
4- ALYSSA PAIGE COYLE: The little angel I babysit. The happeiest baby I know:
5- TIFFINI JOHNSON: A special friend who adds to my life the TIFFINI TOUCH!

The righteous should choose his friends carefully,
For the way of the wicked leads them astray.
Proverbs 12: 26